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Title Lakshmi Refrigerator Stand 150-390 litres (LARGE-GREY)
Price Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹399.00.
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  • The main features of these products include Corrosion Resistance, Superior Quality, High Tensile Strength and Resistance to Wear and Tear. Thus, these products are highly appreciated in the market segments
  • Product dimensions are Length: 24 inches, Width : 24 inches, height 4 inches
  • It comes with a very study and durable design. The stand is made with Plastic which ensures it remains away from easy corrosion and easy wearing out as it continues to be a very utilitarian source of support for your refrigerator and reduces the risk of instability
  • Resistant strong base ,Perfect for Your Home ,Corrosion Resistant ,Durable Design
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231 in stock
